Monday, November 19, 2012

Fliege - 19.11.12

This morning I went to work a little early.  Ralf flew to Frankfurt, and I wanted to be sure we had time to clarify anything for while he's gone.  Turns out it's just going to be business as usual.  I did get good feedback for my training last week, though.
After lunch we went to pick up my suit.  It looks really good, but more importantly I look really good in it.  That's not too hard, because I think I look good in anything.  I asked the lady at the counter if they sold bow ties.  Of course they do.  It's a men's suit store.  But they didn't have any that I can tie myself.  They were trying to convince me that nobody does that anymore.  I guess their bow tie market consists of classless commoners.  I'll have to look elsewhere.
I got home to a dwindling stock of Swiss chocolate.  I have well under two pounds in my cupboard.  I'll have to stock up before I go home.
I'm going to relax, watch TV, and finalize my capstone paper tonight.  It'll be nice to have that burden off my shoulders.

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