I got a lot of work done today. I also did some more paperwork for the German government. I am insured through the employment of my dad. I could also have been insured through my own employment in Utah, but I thought it would be a waste of company money to do so since I'm already insured. The BYU study abroad program requires its own additional insurance, so I had to be doubly insured when I came over to Germany. The German government, however, doesn't care. It mandates that each employee who is paid more than 400 euros per month must also be given insurance. They also said that I could not be paid less than 400 euros per month in order to get my visa. So I am about to be triply covered by insurance.
"The trade of insurance gives great security to the fortunes of private people, and, by dividing among a great many that loss which would ruin an individual, makes it fall light and easy upon the whole society." - Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations |
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