Thursday, August 30, 2012

Westminster, British museum - 30.8.12

This morning we got up, ate some fried tomatoes for breakfast, and took the tube over to Westminster Abbey.  I got to say hello to my friends Isaac Newton and James Joule.  Lord Kelvin's grave was cool to the touch--I think it was because heat was flowing naturally into the warmer abbey.  Anyways, we spent a bit of time in the abbey, then went over to the British museum.  On my way in I walked past the original greek statue of the discus thrower without even noticing it was there.  I was in a hurry to see the statues that the British empire had graciously "saved" from the parthenon in Athens.  After seeing mummies, asking socrates a question, pretending to read cuneiform, and seeing and other artifacts from antiquity, we went to Picidally Circus which doesn't allow cars to drive in a circle around it, and I held a jacket in Harrod's that cost 13,000 pounds.  I'll have to save up.
Let's see... Alpha, Lambda, Epsilon, Xi... That's my name carved in a 2000+ year old stone!  I'm so proud.  I know enough Greek from math to read a little bit.

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